Unconfined Compression Tester with ring

Unconfined Compression Tester with ring:

Determination of soil shear strength is essential for designing the foundation of structures, soil and soil retaining structures, soil slopes, etc., Shear strength of

soil depends on various factors and insitu soil conditions. Therefore, when laboratory tests in soil are performed to evaluate shear strength of soil, the insitu soil

conditions and other factors should be simulated for obtaining meaningful results. For example, the incoherent clean test on soil will yield the clean strength,

which can be used for finding the immediate stability of an excavation,whereas a enhance empty test with measurement of pore pressure can be used to

evaluate the effective strength parameters of soil for designing the long term stability of an earth fill dam. It is well known that the engineering behaviour of soil

depends on the effective stress and not the total stress. The effective stress can be calculated by measuring the total stress and substracting the pore water

pressure from it.

To cater to the needs of shear strength determination of soil we have range of equipments.

Unconfined Compression Tester with ring Specification:  It is designed to determine the swelling pressure developed by soil specimens moulded to desired

densities at known moisture contents, when soaked in water. The load applied to Register the bump is move on to a load caliculate an elastic shell ring through

a penetrate bump plate and a load transfer Rod. An Elastic shell ring is attached to the lead screw of hand operated load frame. A soaking tank is provided for

infuse the sample and the Bottom of the mould provided has channels and radial furrow with connecting holes. Load Frame, Hand Operated, Capacity 50 KN

(5,000 kgf), Mould, 100mm dia x 127.3mm height (1,000ml volume) with, base plate and collar., Proving Ring, with integral boss, high sensitivity 2.5KN (250

Kgf) capacity, Perforated swell plate, 100mm dia x 16mm thickDial Gauge , 25mm travel, 0.01mm least count Lid & receiver in G.I. frame for 300mm dia x

450mm dia sieves, Spencer, 100mm dia x 12.7mm thick, Pair of Porous stones, 100mm dia x 12.7mm thick, Load Transfer Bar, Steel Ball Soaking Tank,

250mm dia x 210mm high.


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