Aggregate Crushing Value Test – Estimate Aggregate Crushing Strength:
Aggregate Crushing Value Test on coarse totals gives a relative measure of the protection of a total squashing under bit by bit connected compressive load.
Coarse total pounding esteem is the rate by weight of the squashed material got when test totals are subjected to a predetermined load under institutionalized conditions.
Aggregate pulverizing esteem is a numerical file of the quality of the total and it is utilized as a part of development of streets and asphalts.
Pulverizing estimation of Aggregates shows its quality. Lower pounding esteem is suggested for streets and asphalts as it demonstrates a lower squashed division under load and would give a more extended administration life and a more sparing execution.
The Aggregates utilized as a part of roads and asphalt development must be sufficiently solid to withstand pounding under roller and activity. In the event that the total pulverizing esteem is 30 or higher' the outcome might be odd and in such cases, the 10% fines esteem ought to be resolved.
Aggregate Crushing Value Test -The goal of this test is to:
Decide the total smashing estimation of coarse total
Survey reasonableness of coarse totals for use in various sorts of Roads
A steel barrel 15 cm distance across with plunger and base plate.
A straight metal packing bar 16mm distance across and 45 to 60cm since quite a while ago adjusted toward one side.
An adjust of limit 3 kg comprehensible and precise to one gram.
IS strainers of sizes 12.5mm, 10mm and 2.36mm
A pressure testing machine.
Barrel-shaped metal measure of adequate inflexibility to hold its form under unpleasant utilization and of the 11.5cm distance across and 18cm tallness.
Dial gauge
sampling of Aggregates:
Coarse total passing 12.5mm IS sifter and held on a10mm IS strainer are chosen and warmed at 100 to 110°C for 4 hours and cooled to room temperature.
The amount of total might be with the end goal that the profundity of material in the chamber, in the wake of packing as depicted underneath should be 10 cm. The suitable amount might be discovered helpfully by filling the barrel.
Measure in three layers of roughly break even with profundity, each layer being packed 25 times with the packing bar lastly leveled off utilizing the packing bar as straight edge.
Care being taken on account of weaker materials not to break the particles. The heaviness of the material involving the test might be resolved (weight An) and a similar weight of test should be taken for the rehash test.
Strategy of Aggregate Crushing Value Test:
Set the chamber in place on the base plate and measure it (W).
Put the example in 3 layers, each layer being subjected to 25 strokes utilizing the packing pole. Care being taken on account of feeble materials not to break the particles and measure it (W1).
Level the surface of total precisely and embed the plunger with the goal that it lays evenly at first glance. Care being taken to guarantee that the plunger does not stick in the chamber.
Place the barrel with plunger on the stacking stage of the pressure testing machine.
Apply stack at a uniform rate with the goal that an aggregate heap of 40T is connected in 10 minutes.
Discharge the heap and expel the material from the chamber.
Strainer the material with 2.36mm IS sifter, mind being assumed to stay away from loss of fines.
Measure the portion going through the IS sifter (W2).
The total smashing estimation of the given sample=
Total Crushing Values for Roads and Pavement Construction
The table underneath demonstrates points of confinement of total smashing an incentive for various kinds of street development:
Kinds of Roads/Pavements Aggregate Crushing Value Limit
Adaptable Pavements
Soling 50
Water bound macadam 40
Bituminous macadam 40
Bituminous surface dressing or thin premix carpet 30
Thick blend carpet 30
Inflexible Pavements
Other than wearing course 45
Surface or Wearing course 30
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