Mobile mapping
Mobile mapping:
Mobile mapping is the process of collecting geospatial data from a mobile vehicle,typically fitted with a range of photographic, radar, laser, LiDAR or any number of remote sensing systems. Such systems are composed of an integrated array of time synchronised navigation sensors and imaging sensors mounted on a mobile platform.The primary output from such systems include GIS data, digital maps, and georeferenced images and video.
The development of direct reading georeferencing technologies opened the way for mobile mapping systems. GPS and Inertial Navigation Systems, have allowed rapid and accurate determination of position and attitude of remote sensing equipment,effectively leading to direct mapping of features of interest without the need for complex post-processing of observed data.
Aerial mobile mapping
Traditional techniques of geo-referencing aerial photography, ground profiling radar, or Lidar are prohibitively expensive, particularly in inaccessible areas, or where the type of data collected makes interpretation of individual features difficult. Image direct georeferencing, simplifies the mapping control for large scale mapping tasks.
Emergency response planning:
Mobile mapping systems allow rapid collection of data to allow accurate assessment of conditions on the ground.
Internet applications:
Internet, and mobile device users are increasingly utilizing geo-spatial information, either in the form of mapping, or geo-referenced imaging. Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo have adapted both aerial photographs and satellite images to develop online mapping systems. Street View type images are also an increasing market.
Location-aware PDA systems rely on geo-referenced features collated from mobile mapping sources.
Road mapping and highway facility management:
GPS combined with digital camera systems allow rapid update of roadmaps.The same system can be utilised to carry out efficient road condition surveys,and facilities management.Laser scanning technologies, applied in the mobile mapping sense, allow full 3D data collection of slope, bankings, etc.
MobileMapper 10:
Compact and lightweight, MobileMapper 10 is a complete, easy to use mapping solution for real-time collection of meter accurate data.
With MobileMapper 10, organizations will improve the quality of their georeferenced information and their productivity with direct positive impact on operational costs.
Featured highlights
· Real time meter accuracy
· Ready to use mapping solution
· Integrated communications
· Outstanding battery life
· Ruggedized for professional use
Geographical Information Systems and Location Based Services are strongly penetrating a wide range of applications and organizations. The growing need for geo-localization is naturally boosting the demand for efficient and affordable data collection solutions. Spectra Precision® is leading the GNSS democratization to enable a wider access to professional mapping.
Today with MobileMapper 10, Spectra Precision makes it possible to massively deploy a professional accurate GIS receiver to any field work force.
Boost Your Mapping Productivity with MobileMapper 10
· Log your assets in real-time with meter accuracy
· Connect field and office work force for maximum proactivity
· Reach sub-half meter accuracy with post-processing
Unpack and Start Logging with MobileMapper 10
· Ready to use complete mapping solution for field and office
· User friendly Windows® Mobile 6.5
· Easy-to-use software for short learning curve and quick logging operations
Made For Mobile GIS Work Force
· Compact & lightweight design for optimal mobility, use and comfort
· Integrated communications for easy data transfer
· Only receiver offering several days of battery life
· Ruggedized for outdoor use
MobileMapper Field and Office Software: a complete solution
The Ashetch MobileMapper software suite includes all GIS features that professionals really need without the burden of complicated and rarely used functions, both on field and office sides.
Running on MobileMapper receivers, MobileMapper Field is the perfect solution for GIS data collection, asset management, area measurements, maps creation and updates. The software is very intuitive and easy to use, requiring minimum training. It also provides direct interface to external sensors for a complete solution.
The MobileMapper Office tool can be used to differentially post process raw GPS data collected with the MobileMapper Field software. Through an Internet connection, MobileMapper Office can automatically find and download the base data files that will match the collected raw data; it will compute corrected positions automatically.
Tune MobileMapper 10 with your Applications
With Windows Mobile 6.5 you may upload necessary utilities or software on your MobileMapper 10, to suit your next job. You can collect GIS/GPS points and maps via the GIS application of your choice, either a third party software such as ESRI ArcPad or the proprietary Spectra Precision application.
Mobile mapping is the process of collecting geospatial data from a mobile vehicle,typically fitted with a range of photographic, radar, laser, LiDAR or any number of remote sensing systems. Such systems are composed of an integrated array of time synchronised navigation sensors and imaging sensors mounted on a mobile platform.The primary output from such systems include GIS data, digital maps, and georeferenced images and video.
The development of direct reading georeferencing technologies opened the way for mobile mapping systems. GPS and Inertial Navigation Systems, have allowed rapid and accurate determination of position and attitude of remote sensing equipment,effectively leading to direct mapping of features of interest without the need for complex post-processing of observed data.
Aerial mobile mapping
Traditional techniques of geo-referencing aerial photography, ground profiling radar, or Lidar are prohibitively expensive, particularly in inaccessible areas, or where the type of data collected makes interpretation of individual features difficult. Image direct georeferencing, simplifies the mapping control for large scale mapping tasks.
Emergency response planning:
Mobile mapping systems allow rapid collection of data to allow accurate assessment of conditions on the ground.
Internet applications:
Internet, and mobile device users are increasingly utilizing geo-spatial information, either in the form of mapping, or geo-referenced imaging. Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo have adapted both aerial photographs and satellite images to develop online mapping systems. Street View type images are also an increasing market.
Location-aware PDA systems rely on geo-referenced features collated from mobile mapping sources.
Road mapping and highway facility management:
GPS combined with digital camera systems allow rapid update of roadmaps.The same system can be utilised to carry out efficient road condition surveys,and facilities management.Laser scanning technologies, applied in the mobile mapping sense, allow full 3D data collection of slope, bankings, etc.
MobileMapper 10:
Compact and lightweight, MobileMapper 10 is a complete, easy to use mapping solution for real-time collection of meter accurate data.
With MobileMapper 10, organizations will improve the quality of their georeferenced information and their productivity with direct positive impact on operational costs.
Featured highlights
· Real time meter accuracy
· Ready to use mapping solution
· Integrated communications
· Outstanding battery life
· Ruggedized for professional use
Geographical Information Systems and Location Based Services are strongly penetrating a wide range of applications and organizations. The growing need for geo-localization is naturally boosting the demand for efficient and affordable data collection solutions. Spectra Precision® is leading the GNSS democratization to enable a wider access to professional mapping.
Today with MobileMapper 10, Spectra Precision makes it possible to massively deploy a professional accurate GIS receiver to any field work force.
Boost Your Mapping Productivity with MobileMapper 10
· Log your assets in real-time with meter accuracy
· Connect field and office work force for maximum proactivity
· Reach sub-half meter accuracy with post-processing
Unpack and Start Logging with MobileMapper 10
· Ready to use complete mapping solution for field and office
· User friendly Windows® Mobile 6.5
· Easy-to-use software for short learning curve and quick logging operations
Made For Mobile GIS Work Force
· Compact & lightweight design for optimal mobility, use and comfort
· Integrated communications for easy data transfer
· Only receiver offering several days of battery life
· Ruggedized for outdoor use
MobileMapper Field and Office Software: a complete solution
The Ashetch MobileMapper software suite includes all GIS features that professionals really need without the burden of complicated and rarely used functions, both on field and office sides.
Running on MobileMapper receivers, MobileMapper Field is the perfect solution for GIS data collection, asset management, area measurements, maps creation and updates. The software is very intuitive and easy to use, requiring minimum training. It also provides direct interface to external sensors for a complete solution.
The MobileMapper Office tool can be used to differentially post process raw GPS data collected with the MobileMapper Field software. Through an Internet connection, MobileMapper Office can automatically find and download the base data files that will match the collected raw data; it will compute corrected positions automatically.
Tune MobileMapper 10 with your Applications
With Windows Mobile 6.5 you may upload necessary utilities or software on your MobileMapper 10, to suit your next job. You can collect GIS/GPS points and maps via the GIS application of your choice, either a third party software such as ESRI ArcPad or the proprietary Spectra Precision application.
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